Local organizers of the Cradling New Life golf tournament were concerned coronavirus meant losing out on the $50,000 in revenue they raised from the annual event to financially support families of premature babies.
Then they got creative, and decided to instead organize a virtual tournament, to provide funds for families like Cassie and Jacob Baker of Indianola. Their daughter, Parker, was born prematurely at 23 weeks. Then when she was 13-months old, Parker was on life support with two viruses this January.
In the virtual tournament, a golfer can pay the online $40 registration fee to Cradling New life (CNL), play any course in Iowa, and submit their scorecard for prizes. They will generate other revenue from sponsors, like Peoples Bank of Indianola.
“Currently the non-profit is fully funded by fundraisers, also to mention there is no paid staff at CNL,” said Christine Nelson, of Indianola, who volunteers as the marketing director. “Iowa families are in need of our services and our 2021 funding is greatly limited due to the COVID-19 outbreak.”
The Indianola Country Club became the first private golf course to open to non-members who wish to play in the CNL Tournament. Non-members will need to pay green’s fees.
“With all the challenges that every business is facing this year, our club felt as if we could help Cradling New Life by offering up our club as an option for the players participating,” said Jason Marvelli, the PGA Pro at ICC. “We have a couple members at our club involved with CNL so helping them out along with such a great organization just felt right.”
Cradling New Life was able to help the Baker family twice during Parker’s hospitalizations.
“We are so thankful for Christine and Cradling new life,” said Cassie Baker. “They assisted us with our son's childcare expenses and gas cards not only traveling back and forth to Blank, but also when she was transferred to Iowa City.”
Click here to register for the tournament.